Deathray Games are hobby games made by solo developer Luke. Most of these games were made for game jams, such as Ludum Dare, and are not as polished or complete as other indie games.
Free Web Games
Project galGen
a procedurally generated galaxy
Random generation game jam, 2017
drill for ore, build buildings, refine material
Ludum Dare 38
CivClicker v1.x
manage a civilization, incrementally grow in power
open source contribution
Fake News
incremental game of dark satire, made in about an hour
One Hour Game Jam #93
Arcane Incrementalist
incremental game of mystical summoning
Ludum Dare 37, 2016
StarHopper: Glitch Jump
fly between planets with real 2d physics, collect fuel, hop to another system - all in 13kb
js13k, 2016
incremental game, prototype
City Sim Jam 2016
Master of a Thousand Suns
space empire incremental "4x" game with minimalist controls
Simple Jam 2016
Reptilian President
convince people to vote for you before your itchy human suit melts off
Ludum Dare 35 / LowRezJam, 2016
Pocketropolis LD34
build a tiny city with only two buttons
Ludum Dare 34, 2015
Cyclopean Clicker
You are the Monster! inspired by tap titans
Ludum Dare 33, 2015
Net Clicker
Hack the World
Ludum Dare 32, 2015
Cylindrical World Generator
Procedural world-creation program
Procedural Generation Jam, 2014
Tavern King
Cook meals for a room full of dwarves, first test of RocketBoots
Ludum Dare 31, 2014
Universe Simulator, control a planetoid and acquire all five elements
js13k, 2014
Clicker game of Interstellar Communications
Ludum Dare 30, 2014
Major Hammer
RPG-lite game, Gameboy-style
gbjam 3, 2014
submarine exploration
Ludum Dare 29, 2014
a demake/spoof of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
miniLD50, 2014
Phantom Fortress
summon ghosts, hire goblins and raise a great tower
miniLD49, 2014
Conspiracy Clicker
dominate the world in a game of clicking
and conspiratorial patience
miniLD48, 2014
Cobold Console
very basic text-based game and js console
ASCII Enthusiasts Game Jam, 2014
Pictophone creative game; Ludum Dare 27 Entry
Ludum Dare 27, 2013
Tundra King
walk around and talk to people to recruit them to your side
Ludum Dare 26, 2013
Life Loops
Time-traveling, mobile-friendly game;
"hindsight" theme
miniLD39, 2013
Diabolical Genius
"You are the villain!" theme - 48 hour Ludum Dare 25 Entry
Ludum Dare 25, 2012
Legend of the Green Hydra
collect weapons, armor, and fight some enemies
very old!
Deathraygames Links
Other Gaming Creations
- ORGANIC RPG - a micro, tabletop RPG made for One-Page RPG Jam 2020
- Creatio Ex Nihilo - a creative, tabletop micro-game; made for the 2017 200-Word RPG Challenge
- RuneStar - 2-page Tabletop RPG - 1 page for a simplified Fate system, 1 page for the Dwarves-in-space setting; submitted for the "Two Page Tabletop" competition (more info)
- Gamma World Character Generator - an old, open source character generator for the tabletop RPG
- WoW an Owl! - a world of warcraft walk-through on how to obtain an owl as a member of the horde - made an eternity ago
- Defenders of Spirit Forest - unfinished browser-based javascript game from 2009